Our experiences are designed to elevate your spirit and rejuvenate your mind and body, offering a harmonious blend of tranquility and enlightenment.
Immerse yourself in the natural beauty around you with our luxurious wellness retreats. Engage in uplifting yoga sessions, tranquil meditation practices, and holistic treatments that harness the healing properties of our organic Aloe vera products. Each moment is an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and the earth.
We are committed to sustainability in every aspect of our offerings, and emphasize eco-conscious practices and seek to minimize our environmental impact. At our retreats, you will discover the essence of sustainable farming and the myriad benefits of Aloe vera. This educational experience is designed for nature enthusiasts, wellness seekers, and those with a curious spirit, all seeking to enhance their well-being.
• Connect with our plantation.
• A week of mindfulness and inner awareness.
Cómpeta, Spain
October, 2025
• Make your own olive oil.
• Connect with nature and engage your senses.
Cómpeta, Spain
November, 2025
• Embrace the beauty of slow living and minimalism
• Qigong, Tai Chi & pilgrimages
Cómpeta, Spain
April, 2026